Black Wisdom – Ruang Kosong


Preview Track: Blame Along

A year ago, on August 7, 2022, the mini showcase for the release of the album “Black Wisdom” took place, marking a significant milestone in their career. Through several tours across different cities, they presented a natural offering in the process of post-release achievements following the album’s debut.

Derived from the concept of “Black Wisdom,” the term encompasses a fusion of social elements and introspection, taking on the characteristic pentatonic-critical style of Seattle’s Soundgarden and Alice in Chains. The narrative revolves around a fictional character born from the imagination of Dicky Rachmad Dhermawan.

Essentially, “Black Wisdom” serves as an entryway for those struggling with inner traumas. The lyrics of the main song itself never mention “Black Wisdom,” signifying a commitment not to succumb to any form of binding constraint. The album “Black Wisdom” comprises 8 tracks, with 5 main tracks and 3 bonus tracks. Recorded at Nadamusika Studio and mastered by Edi Hazt, the release from a year ago took the form of a limited boxset. This boxset contained a CD, T-Shirt, Sticker Pack, Zine, and a collaborative Surabaya Punker Wine, all of which sold out.

However, physical CD copies of “Black Wisdom” can still be acquired at Dominion Store & Nocte Merch in Surabaya and Demajors in Semarang. Dicky Rachmad Dhermawan (Vocal/Guitar), Enggartiasto (Bass), Fariz Alfarieza (Drums), and Wildan Kusuma (Guitar) embarked on the “Black Wisdom Tour” throughout February and March 2023. The tour spanned Sidoarjo (Unexpected Vol 2), Bojonegoro (Dirty Weekend 20), Yogyakarta (SEREM IH, Otakotor Records), and Semarang (Sekedar Gigs, Seems Morroness), with direct support from Surabaya Akhir Pekan (SAP), Heavy Room, Dirty Dogs Records, and Surabaya Punker Wine.

To commemorate this one-year milestone, Ruangkosong extends its appreciation to listeners, art enthusiasts, and friends from various cities who contributed to the successful and well-planned tour. As a celebration, the album will be released on all digital music platforms on August 23, 2023.

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Daftar lagu:

  1. Walrus
  2. Blame Along
  3. Swasembada Suara
  4. Lawan Mereka
  5. Black Wisdom
  6. Jiwa yang Merdeka
  7. Shotgun Battlefield
  8. Long live rock n roll

Includes: Digital download in 320kbps MP3, and .WAV format by request to