
Preview Track: Headless Justus 


Tesla Manaf artist statement:

“Been a full year since I took a personally-radical move by committing to learn a musical instrument that, many say, might be the most difficult there is. Cornet/trumpet has been my main focus since I took on the instrument in August last year. Six month into the process and it had already shown its prowess in producing sounds. With my unusual embouchure technique (I never wanted to be a typical cornet/trumpet player), I mostly imitate animal sounds, and interpret the sounds of prehistoric and even cryptid or fictional animals. Without neglecting the basic techniques of the cornet/trumpet itself, I painstakingly paired it with synthetic sounds and processed field recordings to make its screams sounding more ‘soulful’.”

NuArt Sculpture Park curatorial note by Bob Edrian:

“Through his latest cutting-edge exploration, KUNTARI offered an experimental soundscape and musical instrumentation performance clocking almost 40 minutes. Convert Textured was trusted to accompany each of KUNTARI’s compositions through light and visual processing, which at the same time changed the atmosphere of the NuArt Sculpture Park museum. 1179 became the next composition after Selestia, which was then followed by Al-Medina II-IV-V, before closing with a composition titled Headless Justus. The sound of the cornet/trumpet from the brass instrument family is presented as a representation of KUNTARI’s latest exploration. The feel of the wilderness in the prehistoric era with shrill and wild screams over electronic rhythms.”

This release is an exclusive to The Store Front. 

wav format available after checkout by emailing info@noisewhore.com with your proof of purchase.

Komentar Kami: 

“Always experimenting, always making moves, KUNTARI took a step forward with MUSMUS.”


SKU: NW279 Kategori: , Tag:

Daftar lagu: 

  1. Selestia
  2. 1179
  3. Al-Medina III-IV-V
  4. Headless Justus

Includes: MP3 320Kbps download.